Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to Choose the Most Energy Efficient Pet Door at the October Maricopa Home & Landscape Show!

How to Choose the Most Energy Efficient Pet Door
By Hale Pet Door
 Let’s face it –putting a hole in your wall or door isn’t the best way to keep outside air out and inside air in. So when you want your pets to have free access to the yard, it’s important to find the most energy efficient cat or dog door.
 Pet doors with two heavy, flexible vinyl flaps create an air barrier that’s similar to that of double pane glass. The flaps must seal securely, so high quality magnets that attach to stainless steel strikes create a seal that is strong enough to keep air and dust out while allowing your pet to push through the door at will. Weather-stripping should be half inch heavy pile attached to the pet door frame.
 Wall pet doors are the most energy efficient because of the larger air space between the two flaps. So, like most other aspects of windows and doors for your home, investing in a high quality pet door will end up saving you money in the long run while keeping you and your pets comfortable right away.

Visit Hale Pet Door at Booths 116 & 118!

For more information about the show, please visit our website:

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